When to See a Doctor for a Fever

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When to See a Doctor for a Fever

Many people are confused about when they need to see a doctor for a fever. Often, there is nothing to worry about. A 24-hour stomach bug can cause a fever. Even a bad cold can cause a fever. Obviously you don’t need to see your doctor for such matters. But when do you need to see your doctor? Here’s what you need to know.

When to See a Doctor for a Fever

Infants and Children

Infants and children cannot handle the same high temperatures that most adults can pull through. Infants should see a doctor if they have a fever over 100.1 for more than 24 hours. Children over two should see a doctor when their temperature reaches over 101 for more than 24 hours. If your child has a fever that will not go down with Tylenol or ibuprofen, you should take them to the doctor.


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Weight Management During Lockdown

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Weight Management During Lockdown

With stay-at-home orders in place for weeks, many people are finding that they are having difficulty maintaining their weight. With gyms and parks closed, the opportunities for exercise are few and far between. That combined with poor eating habits can have a huge impact on your weight.

Weight Management During Lockdown

Even if you have the means to get some exercise, such as walking or jogging, it may be difficult to get up the motivation to actually do it. That’s normal right now, and you shouldn’t be hard on yourself. With social distancing measures in place, many people are feeling detached, depressed, and anxious. This can lead to executive dysfunction, which basically means that no matter how much you want to do something, you can’t bring yourself to do it.


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Key Factors to Physical Therapy Success

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Key Factors to Physical Therapy Success

Physical therapy can be very beneficial. Often it can help you avoid surgery or other more invasive treatments, especially for injuries or joint pain. However, physical therapy will only help you if you follow some basic guidelines for success.

physical therapy port richey trinity fl

Show Up to Every Appointment

Your sessions may be scheduled once a week, twice a week, or even once a month as you improve. These appointments are set this way so that it can progress at a therapeutic rate. If you skip an appointment, it could throw off your therapy schedule, and you will need to be in the program longer.


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How to Get Your Sports, Camp, or Work Physical

How to Get Your Sports, Camp, or Work Physical

It is about that time of year again, and your children are going to need sports and camp physicals for the summer. Work physicals can come up at any time that you change jobs or positions within a company. In all of these situations, there are some things to keep in mind to make getting your physical as easy as pie. 

How to Get Your Sports, Camp, or Work Physical

Have Your Forms Ready

Your doctor is a busy person, and they only have so much time to spend with you. If you have physical forms that need to be filled out, have them ready with all of your personal information already filled out. Only leave blank those fields that must be filled out by the nurse and doctor examining you.


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Benefits of Meeting with a Nutritionist

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Benefits of Meeting with a Nutritionist

 Do you struggle to eat healthy meals? Even if you are not overweight or struggling with diabetes, it can be extremely beneficial to meet with a nutritionist. Learning about nutrition will enable you to make better, healthier food choices. This can help with a number of chronic issues, including fatigue. Here are just a few of the benefits of meeting with a nutritionist. 

Benefits of Meeting with a Nutritionist

Tailored Approach to Diet

Every individual is different in many ways, including how they process and utilize food. For some people, a low carb, high protein diet works best to keep them feeling good and maintaining a healthy weight. For other people, decreasing fat and sugar are more important. Some people need more iron, while others may want to get more calcium in their diet.


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How Weight Loss Improves Your Overall Health

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How Weight Loss Improves Your Overall Health

If you struggle to maintain a healthy weight, you are probably well aware of the benefits of losing weight. However, there may be some ways that weight loss improves your overall health that you have not yet considered. Here are a few additional reasons to lose weight.

How Weight Loss Improves Your Overall Health

Joint and Bone Health

For every pound that you weigh, you are putting four pounds of pressure on your knees. That is just one example of how extra weight can affect your joint and bone health. If you suffer from arthritis or other joint pain, losing weight can be an effective pain management tool. It can also help you improve your mobility so that you can get back to the activities that you enjoy.


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Three Reasons to Get Treatment Immediately After Car Accidents

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Reasons to Get Treatment Immediately After Car Accidents

In addition to being potentially dangerous, a car accident can be a huge hassle. If the accident happens while you are trying to get somewhere by a specific time, such as for an important meeting, it might be tempting to just move on with your day and worry about the effects of the wreck later. However, there are many good reasons to get treatment right away. Here are just three.

Three Reasons to Get Treatment Immediately After Car Accidents

Injuries Can Be Invisible

You may think you just got banged up a bit and have a few bruises or scrapes, but there could be injuries that can’t be seen by the naked eye. Whiplash, neck and back injuries, sternum injuries from seat belt impact, concussions from air bag impact, and internal injuries often show no signs immediately following an accident. If you wait to get evaluated and treated, these potentially serious injuries could become more difficult to treat.


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Why You Should Get a Second Opinion for Work Injuries

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You Should Get a Second Opinion for Work Injuries

As you may have noticed, we offer services to those who have been injured on the job. While we do work with some companies to provide this service to their employees, we will also help diagnose and treat people with work injuries whose companies are not partnered with us.

Why You Should Get a Second Opinion for Work Injuries

When you are hurt on the job, your company will send you to a clinic or doctor that they have partnered with for handling workers’ compensation claims. However, there are many good reasons to get a second opinion from an independent doctor for work injuries.

When you are hurt on the job, a workers’ compensation insurance company and their partnered clinic will handle your workers’ compensation claim and your diagnosis and treatment. These professionals are working on the side of the employer, not the employee. For this reason, some less ethical doctors may not give a full examination for an accurate diagnosis. They may also downplay the severity of your injury and refuse to allow for reasonable limitations.


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What Training Sets DOs Apart

What Training Sets DOs Apart

When you are looking for a new family practice doctor or primary care doctor, you may be confused about the difference between an MD and a DO. MDs and DOs are similar in a lot of ways, and they treat the same illnesses and age groups. However, DOs go through some additional training and approach medicine in a slightly different way. Here’s what you need to know about the additional training that DOs have received.

What Training Sets DOs Apart

Osteopathic Schools

DOs attend osteopathic schools, which train them in a variety of additional skills. These schools train DOs to treat the body as a whole and specifically train them to be primary care physicians. At these schools, they also receive additional training on the musculoskeletal system, which can help them treat the body as a whole rather than treating only symptoms. The training that is received in these schools gives DOs an advantage in diagnostics and treatment.


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How to Get the Most Out of Physical Therapy

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How to Get the Most Out of Physical Therapy

Physical therapy can help you recover from illness or injury much faster than if you leave your body to heal on its own. Physical therapy in our office is designed to treat the whole body rather than just the area affected by the illness or injury. Yet in order to get the most out of physical therapy, you have to make a commitment to yourself.

How to Get the Most Out of Physical Therapy

Cooperating with Therapists

It is important that you cooperate with physical therapists as they are working with you in our office. You will need to make sure that you are doing the exercises as described and asking questions if there is something that you don’t understand. Physical therapy is often somewhat painful as you push your body to new boundaries since your injury or illness, yet it is important that you push past the pain and do the exercises as recommended by your therapist.


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