Start Your Weight Loss This Winter to Be Ready for Summer

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Start Your Weight Loss This Winter to Be Ready for SummerStart Your Weight Loss This Winter to Be Ready for Summer

During the winter season, maintaining a healthy weight goes to the back burner for many people. Between holiday treats and relaxing at home with loved ones, it can be difficult to find the motivation for weight loss. However, by the time swimsuit season rolls around, you may be wishing that you reached your goal weight sooner. 

By starting your weight loss regimen this winter, you’ll be on track to have a bikini-ready body next summer. Plus, with weight loss services from Family Medical Centers, you can enjoy the holidays while managing your weight with a doctor-assisted program.  (more…)

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How Losing Weight Can Improve Your Overall Health

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How Losing Weight Can Improve Your Overall HealthHow Losing Weight Can Improve Your Overall Health

Weight loss is a shared goal among many people today. While people often want to lose weight for cosmetic reasons, shedding some pounds can improve the overall health of your body, too. By maintaining a healthy weight, you’ll look better, feel better, and prevent health complications that could occur down the road. 

Losing even a modest amount of weight may improve your: (more…)

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Get Summer Ready with Family Medical’s Weight Loss Services

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Get Summer Ready with Family Medical’s Weight Loss Services


As summer approaches, many people kick-start weight loss programs to get ready for warm-weather clothing. But if you had trouble losing weight on your own, you’re not alone. Many people struggle with weight loss and all too often get caught up in fad diets or other trendy weight loss programs. 

Weight Loss Services

Family Medical Center offers a physician-managed weight loss program to help you get ready for swimsuit season! Our weight loss services utilize evidence-based methods and physician support to help you reach your weight loss goals. 


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Why Lifestyle Changes Are Necessary for Lasting Weight Loss

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Lifestyle Changes Are Necessary for Lasting Weight Loss

Have you been the victim of fad diets that make big promises but deliver only short-term results? Many people fall into these traps. That’s why the weight loss industry is so successful, but the health of Americans shouldn’t be considered an industry to exploit for profits. And when you look at the science behind weight loss, it is clear that the industry is only hurting Americans.

Why Lifestyle Changes Are Necessary for Lasting Weight Loss

What is all this talk about lifestyle changes?

When you want to lose weight and keep it off, you have to make changes to your lifestyle that will remain in place even after you reach your goal weight. Making changes only temporarily means that the weight loss will be temporary as well. If you want to keep the weight off forever, you’re going to have to make some hard choices.


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The Truth About How Long It Should Take to Lose Weight

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How Long It Should Take to Lose Weight

“Learn how to lose 30 pounds in 30 days!” 

The Truth About How Long It Should Take to Lose Weight

“Buy our program to lose up to 10 pounds per week!”

“I lost 40 pounds with this weight loss secret!”

Most of the time, when people are making claims like this, they are only trying to sell you their latest book, exercise video, Patreon, or other money making scheme. Can you really lose weight that fast? The short answer is: yes, but there are consequences.


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Weight Management During Lockdown

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Weight Management During Lockdown

With stay-at-home orders in place for weeks, many people are finding that they are having difficulty maintaining their weight. With gyms and parks closed, the opportunities for exercise are few and far between. That combined with poor eating habits can have a huge impact on your weight.

Weight Management During Lockdown

Even if you have the means to get some exercise, such as walking or jogging, it may be difficult to get up the motivation to actually do it. That’s normal right now, and you shouldn’t be hard on yourself. With social distancing measures in place, many people are feeling detached, depressed, and anxious. This can lead to executive dysfunction, which basically means that no matter how much you want to do something, you can’t bring yourself to do it.


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How Weight Loss Improves Your Overall Health

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How Weight Loss Improves Your Overall Health

If you struggle to maintain a healthy weight, you are probably well aware of the benefits of losing weight. However, there may be some ways that weight loss improves your overall health that you have not yet considered. Here are a few additional reasons to lose weight.

How Weight Loss Improves Your Overall Health

Joint and Bone Health

For every pound that you weigh, you are putting four pounds of pressure on your knees. That is just one example of how extra weight can affect your joint and bone health. If you suffer from arthritis or other joint pain, losing weight can be an effective pain management tool. It can also help you improve your mobility so that you can get back to the activities that you enjoy.


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