When to See Your Doctor for Severe Sunburn

  • Post category:Injuries

When to See Your Doctor for Severe Sunburn

When you go to the beach or pool, the first thing you do when you arrive is apply sunscreen so that you don’t deal with severe sunburn when you go home at the end of the day. But what about when you’re just out and about, shopping, or getting some exercise? 

When to See Your Doctor for Severe Sunburn

Most people don’t think about sunscreen during normal activities, especially on cloudy days, but the truth is that you can get a sunburn at any time that you spend a decent amount of time outdoors. Most sunburns can be treated at home, but some severe burns should be addressed by a doctor. 


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Coronavirus Symptoms That Could Be Something Else

  • Post category:Illness

Coronavirus Symptoms? It Could Be Something Else

Everyone is worried about the coronavirus pandemic; and, well, we should be. But sometimes hearing so much about a pandemic can make you think twice about your own symptoms. Before jumping to the conclusion that you have COVID-19, consider these other explanations for your symptoms before calling for an appointment.

Coronavirus Symptoms That Could Be Something Else


Fever can be caused by almost any illness or infection. A fever by itself is no reason to fear a COVID diagnosis. However, fever is a telltale symptom that should be addressed if it doesn’t resolve itself. You can give it a few days before you decide to give us a call if the fever is mild, but you should self-isolate until you are sure that you aren’t infected.


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