Get Summer Ready with Family Medical’s Weight Loss Services
As summer approaches, many people kick-start weight loss programs to get ready for warm-weather clothing. But if you had trouble losing weight on your own, you’re not alone. Many people struggle with weight loss and all too often get caught up in fad diets or other trendy weight loss programs.
Family Medical Center offers a physician-managed weight loss program to help you get ready for swimsuit season! Our weight loss services utilize evidence-based methods and physician support to help you reach your weight loss goals.
There are many symptoms associated with COVID-19 infection. Not everyone will experience the same symptoms, and many people are completed asymptomatic. However, unfortunately, there are some symptoms of COVID-19 that can linger. While people who are over 60 or have underlying medical conditions are the most likely to experience lingering COVID-19 symptoms, many young people have experienced symptoms for weeks or even months after getting infected.
What Are Possible Lingering Symptoms of COVID-19?
The most common long-term symptoms of COVID-19 include: