Recognizing The Signs That You’re Coping with a Mood Disorder
Recognizing The Signs That You’re Coping with a Mood Disorder
Mood disorders are a more prevalent health concern than many people may realize. Approximately 26% of American adults in any given year suffer from a diagnosable mental disorder. With a significant portion of the U.S. being affected by mood disorders and other mental health concerns, it’s important to know the signs that you’re coping with one.
Understanding Mood Disorders
Mood disorders are a type of mental health condition that mainly impacts a person’s emotions. With this disorder, individuals may experience extended periods of extreme emotions, whether that be sadness, happiness, or a combination of the two. Someone with a mood disorder may experience fluctuating levels of depression, apathy, anxiety, and irritability. Depression and bipolar disorder are among the most common mood disorders. (more…)