How Physical Therapy Can Help Your Recovery Process

How Physical Therapy Can Help Your Recovery Process How Physical Therapy Can Help Your Recovery Process

If you’ve sustained an injury, a quick recovery is your path to pain relief and improved mobility. Physical therapy can greatly benefit your recovery process by providing professional insights and assistance as your body heals.

For a broad range of injuries and conditions, physical therapy is a valuable tool as you work toward optimal health. The main benefits of physical therapy for your recovery process from an injury or condition include:

Specialized Care to Improve Pain, Movement, and Function

Physical therapists are experts in issues regarding the joints, bones, and muscles. When you start working with a PT, they’ll ask you questions about your condition and perform tests to evaluate your range of motion, strength, comfort levels, the function of the injured area, and more. With the results of these tests, your PT can recommend the most effective course of treatment for your needs.

Improved Patient Knowledge

Your physical therapist can explain every aspect of your condition to you, including the causes, prognosis, and recommended course of treatment. When you and your physical therapist are on the same page, you can both work toward a set of goals and ultimately achieve better results. Additionally, when you’re knowledgeable about your condition as a patient, you can make the right choices for your health when you’re away from the PT’s office. 

Expert Advice for At-Home Care

If you’re experiencing pain, it can be tricky to know what kind of at-home care, as well as which lifestyle choice, will support your recovery process. Your PT can give you a plan for at-home care, including heat/cold therapy, strengthening exercises, stretching, etc, to help your body heal. Additionally, your PT can advise you on lifestyle choices to help you heal, such as how often to exercise and what types of exercise to do. 

Bonnie Duran is an experienced PT at Family Medical Centers. She creates individual treatment programs so that patients can return to their previous level of functional mobility. Schedule an appointment today!